
Welcome! WISEatlantic supports and connects women working in SETT fields through professional development opportunities, networking events, and more!

Below, we feature upcoming events, online resources, and recent reports. If you are interested in becoming a role model for girls in junior and senior high school, sign-up at the bottom of this page.

Featured Events, Resources and News


Faculty Workplace Climate Report - Atlantic Canada
For: Women in SETT/Professionals

Faculty Workplace Climate Report - Atlantic Canada

In the summer of 2018, we surveyed faculty at several Atlantic Canadian universities in Natural Sciences, Engineering, and Computer Science departments about their workplace climate.  This research survey was conducted in partnership with NSERC CWSE  Dr. Annemieke Farenhorst and her team at the University of Manitoba.

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The Dr. Margaret-Ann Armour National Conference Grant

The Dr. Margaret-Ann Armour National Conference Grant

The Dr. Margaret-Ann Armour National Conference Grant is administered by the NSERC CWSE Chairs. Applications for funding are accepted three times per year. Applications may be submitted by individual students, professors, professionals outside of academia or organizations during the intake periods. All received applications will be reviewed for consideration.

Intake periods are:

Winter: January 7 1 to January 15
Summer: May 7 to May 15
Fall: September 7 to September 15

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Considering EDI in Research
For: Women in SETT/Professionals

Considering EDI in Research

This handy brochure developed by the Chair for Women in Science and Engineering – Quebec Region provides helpful advice and guidance for increasing equity, diversity, and inclusion in research.

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Atlantic ConnecTions Conference 2019 - Conference Report

Atlantic ConnecTions Conference 2019 - Conference Report

The third biennial Atlantic ConnecTions Conference was held on May 30 & 31, 2019 at the University of Prince Edward Island in Charlottetown, PE, and was hosted by the Faculty of Sustainable Design Engineering. The main theme of the conference was “Sustaining Women in SETT”, and as such the program particularly focused on how best to retain women and gender minorities in SETT in Atlantic Canada.

ACT 2019 provided an opportunity for attendee’s to share their experiences of studying and working in male-dominated fields, to network with others, and to discuss successful strategies for recruiting and retaining women in SETT. ACT 2019 welcomed 84 students, academics and industry professionals from SETT sectors across Atlantic Canada.

Read the full conference report on the conference website, 

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